Our Academy: One Year Later...


August 2008 marked the official one-year anniversary of Spencer County Martial Arts. As we look back over the past year and reflect, we can say that the school has come a long way. Starting with just a handful of students taught at a local church, SCMA has flourished into a school with literally dozens of faces, some old and some new.

As our space became limited at the church, we began a great partnership with Journey Fitness, which has helped us bring this art to even more citizens of Spencer County and the surrounding areas.

Whether you've been training with us for one year, or one week, we sincerely thank each of you for your dedication to yourself and to our Academy. You're part of an extended family who cares deeply about the success of its brothers and sisters -- young and old -- both on and off the mat.

Each of you is helping to shape the future of SCMA, one class at a time. There are ways to do things in this world. You can do just enough to get the job done, or you can go above and beyond. And in those endeavors you care deeply about, you should try to give it your all, for life is too short not to.

Such has been our philosophy with building and growing our school. We're committed to your personal growth and development in this amazing art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. We love to teach, and seeing each of you proper and improve your game over the past year has been incredibly rewarding.

Exciting times are ahead for our Academy. More training opportunities will soon be available for children and adults. Our family is growing, and we ask that you continue to spread the word. Tell a friend. Bring him or her with you to a class.

Take time to reflect on life and on your training. If you get frustrated with your progress, realize it's a natural emotion and work through it. Look at how far you've come since you first stepped on the mat!

Going forward into year two of SCMA, let's all strive to make the Academy even more successful, together, as a united team.

See you on the mat.


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